Contact LUCC

This site Designed
& Maintained by:

Signature by Susie

Welcome All!
Our church is a community of faith with many parts, many personalities, many church backgrounds, many ways of
living our faith. 

The richness of our diversity continues to be a great resource to us as we seek to be faithful in fulfilling the mission and ministry
of Jesus Christ in this community and in our world.

We welcome all who wish to worship with us, no matter one’s faith background or ethnic origins. 
All are welcome in worship and at the Lord’s Table.

We know where we’ve been in the past.  Our future is unknown. We do know this: we will always seek to be faithful
to God’s call to minister to all of God’s children in whatever
way we can as followers of Jesus Christ.

May the Peace of Christ be with you all.

Pastor Dave and Sue

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